SCRAM! (Leave Your Current Service Provider…Who’s A Better Choice)

Letter showing great details and notes - and urgency - to switch away from a current provider to a lesser provider. For more money.

SCRAM! Might say that to siblings or scammers.

I’m coining the term, though – for an “almost scam.”

Take a look at this. American flag…sent out just before Memorial Day.

Domain Name Services as the letterhead.

Tried to color code this to walk you through – take a look at the photograph.

For a price of over double what I pay for my Codistac domain (and the hassles of transfer), if I pay now, I can renew said domain for 5 years at this other registrar.

Why’m I calling it a scram?

SCRAM – leave your current service for ours because we solicited you with a sense of urgency.

And not in your best interest.

Some key phrases in here to analyze. I’ve added some color coding:

☢️”Our” best savings
☢️”This notice is not a bill” – bolded (how they get away with this)
☢️Easy means of payment
☢️Your payment

5 years for a domain registration at $265 is $53 a year. Automatic renewal at my current registrar for that same five-year period is $21.95 a year, for a total of $109.95.

Some courtesy!

Don’t fall for the scam or the #scram

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