Fortify Your Kitchen – by Nico and Cisco

Nico and Cisco inspire changes in security.

Babies and toddlers do, too.

Neither set of small beings intends malice or mayhem. Only curious mischief.

And yet, without boundaries and intentional enforcement, chaos ensues.

As of about 6 weeks ago, my kitchen has been re-childproofed. I wrote about it then – paint cans temporarily in front of cabinet doors, as kittens learned to breach them. Pawsome, right? 🐾

Kittens have therefore moved on to new targets. This week Nico opened the top drawer of the bedroom dresser, fell behind all drawers to the bottom, and – in terror – breached the bottom of the bottom drawer to escape.

Who reinforces the bottom of the drawer? Well, now we do. Or else there’d be no bottom.

Even with low likelihood of “this is where an attack will occur,” it did. Because it’s my home, I didn’t really need to legally report this to all of LinkedIn, and, yet, here you go. (It’s a surface, so kittens will attack). (Script kitties?)

Household risk tolerance probably wouldn’t have changed our drawer enforcement behavior like it did with the kitchen.

But, as organizations change and grow, their cybersecurity needs likely also shift. Only regular evaluation will help here – where are we What’s in place, and is it adequate when considering our risk tolerance? Where have our risks changes, too?

Where are we going? What needs to change along the journey there?

Small beings mature. Security modeled to mold their behavior shifts as well. About a decade after the child locks are sold at the church rummage sale, we find ourselves saying “only use your right foot on the brake and the gas pedal.”

Where’s your business journey? Cybersecurity’s a part of that journey.

Nico and Cisco will never be a part of my passwords, for example. Happy to tell you all about how to structure passwords and how MFA is a superpower. Options for backups and antimalware.

The two-handed (pawed)? approach to effective small organization early cybersecurity efforts.

🐾Left paw: People and behaviors to protect against fraudster criminals.
🐾Right paw: Technical operation shifts to bolster machine security.

I have been pwed. 🐾


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