Conjunctive Adverbs

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Connection. Commonality. Links.

A conjunctive adverb ties related thoughts together as a link between two sentences by combining them into one. While retaining them as separate thoughts.

The two most commonly written and spoken conjunctive adverbs are therefore and however.

“I was aiming to achieve world domination; however, I instead found a good book to read.”

“Cyber attacks are increasing in volume and effectiveness; therefore, organizations must intentionally combat cybercriminals.”

Remember and implement the rules of semicolon usage; if you have written a comma and notice that there’s a dependent clause (complete sentence – not a fragment) on each side of the comma, replace that comma with a semicolon.

Level up with conjunctive adverbs to pique readers’ interest in your writing.


So, so many more. Beyond connecting ideas with and, or, and but.

When you’re preparing cybersecurity awareness or cyber hygiene content, every little tweak to increase visibility and retention helps.

(The post on intentional sentence fragments will appear in a few weeks’ time).

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