The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (Prepare)

Geometry in school

It’s in a week that everything changes.

School starts around here. Stores are filled with supplies in preparation. Kids are forced into stores to be reclothed.

For many, though, the preparation starts much soon. The fall athletes. The summer schoolers. Yes, there are breaks, and the pacing’s different, but their work continues while others rest or work on other endeavors.

The seasonal feel will change, too, while, in much of the country, temperatures will cool.

A while back, fire departments caught onto a snazzy idea. Encourage households to change the batteries on their smoke detectors when the time changes. Tying behavior to an event we already recognize.

Some possibilities for your Security Awareness Programs, tying an event to a date. This is more geared toward small organizations who don’t yet have a formal program addressing cybersecurity culture.

🔒January 2nd or 3rd, Backup last year – backups training. Make January a backup oriented month.
🔒March 31, World Backup day (check in – how’re we doing now that the quarter’s ending on backing up that data).
🔒April 1, Anti-Fraud Training (Social Engineering)
🔒May 6, World Password Day. (We know what to do here)
🔒August 13, International Left-Handers Day – remainder we need both hands for cybersecurity. One hand people, the other hand tech.

🔒🔒🔒October – well, October…

These are just a few ideas, but you can search for the National Day calendar and make up your own. It’s more fun to tie cybersecurity thinking to an unrelated day, or a loosely related day.

Build your organization traditions. Bolster your training and people cybersecurity.

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