Office with computers

They’re still running. Whirring away.

Connected to the Internet.

Owners, of older computers running on Microsoft platforms, please check your operating system versions. Especially businesses.

If you find Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, take note! Those operating systems are considered EOL, or end-of-life. The only valid Microsoft Windows non-server (regular computer) operating system versions are Windows 10 and Windows 11.

So these older ones – they’re, essentially, retired. On the heralded shelf of progress Windows 3.1.1., Windows 95, XP. Vista. ME. NT. 2000. Etc.

When software retires, it doesn’t get updates, which are typically dissemnated through the Internet…because the computers are connected to the Internet.

And if unupdateable operating system run computers are connected to the Internet, they open you to risk you don’t need to face. Vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by updates.

The EOL date for Windows 8.1 was January 10 of this year.


I’ll tell you a secret. In practical classrooms, we’ll teach a little about Windows 7 and 8.1 – how to administer them so as to understand them. And upgrade them and why to do so.

Because people still use Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Connected to the Internet.

Techicians who understand this – and to some degree why – can assist in facilitating (sometimes mass) upgrades to Windows 10 or Windows 11 for supporting computers.

Windows 10 has an EOL date of October 14, 2025.

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