Plan (and Maintain) Your Garden


Scope was clear and sensible.

Small pool-shaped (and sized) terraced flower bed. Prepped and growing flowers for as low a cost as possible.

Marigolds, nasturtiums. Direct sow seeds.

June had it looking a bit sparse, so I picked up a few annuals to plant in the gaps.

Come mid July, the marigolds grew so big and so prevalent they dwarfed everything else.

The packaging tells you when to thin the plants…and how much.

Naa. They were sparse. Not the right time.

Now, deadheading is a daily chore. This beautiful picture – from 2021 – isn’t possible, as there are thousands of crowded blooms.

When you do the maintenance matters.
Your plans must be complete and revisted, shaped and reshaped.

Weeds poking up through 2023 Marigold City grow quite big before being noticeable/pullable.

If your computer, networking, Internet, and cybersecurity planning and execution are in Marigold City state, please commence strategic work.

Go weed hunting, and pull them.
Thin the plants where necessary.
Ensure you can see what affects your organization.

(Not sure how to log flowers…working on it).

Keep watering, and deadhead where you have to. Fall pictures are the reward.

And probably a great many 2024 volunteer marigolds.

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