Water, Water Everywhere

Burgundy mums

It’s every morning – between 7 and 8 local time.

The watering. Shade garden. Vegetable garden. Flower garden.

Over the years I’ve devised what I think is the best system. Water the flower garden with a hose because it’s easy and immediate. Take two large watering cans full of water out to each other area, far from the house.

It’s some decent exercise – pretty sure the water-filled cans weigh between 15 and 20 pounds each. Lots of walking.

Watering is part of maintenance. It’s not as fun as planting, but it keeps what’s planted growing and healthy. Visibly healthy.

And I like my system. A system’s a good thing.

How do you maintain your systems? Let’s start with the computer ones. Your operating system on your devices and computers may auto update, but only if you “planted” that setting.

What about patching your software? That feels like deadheading flowers for more growth, more safety of the machine.

A little bit of attention goes a long way. Keeps out the weeds (malware). Imagine you’ve prepped a fertile garden bed but haven’t protected it. HELLLLLOOOO weeds! Nice to meetcha. ya dandy lion o’ a plant.

Fertilizer? The right amount is healthy for the plant. Too much will kill it. Someone give me the fertilizer metaphor?

Scarecrows? We had a metal lifelike owl hanging in a tree over our vegetable garden for years.

We must cultivate our garden. Someone supply the best of all worlds line and talk about pastry cooks?


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