Go and Run a 5k (And/Or Consider Cybersecurity)

Running shoe (just one)

After some summer inactivity, it was some weightlifting on Tuesday and a 3-mile run on Wednesday.

Oh, not for me. But I can certainly empathize – and I’m sure you can, too.

High school cross country practices started for one of my sons. Weight room’s open for the boys in all sports at a certain time each day. Only one run the first week. And the second week.

Then the runs get more frequent. That first 3 miler woke up those who’d been a little slack or lazy. Hey, time to work now.

By the end of the summer they’ll be running that much each day.

The full plan, as written, is beautiful and logical. Clear, inspiring. Recovery time.

These kids will be machines by the start of the school year if they follow the plan.

It’s proven.

What’s your proven plan that you’d share with others? Here’s mine.

👟Understand the impact of immediate and continuous communication, people to people, machine to machine, intermingled. Everything’s changed in the last 25-30 years. Then act.
👟Consider how interrupting or modifying that private communication impacts your efforts and plans. The value of stopping that interruption.
👟Secure your private communication and data stored. Place value and intent in doing so.
🏋️‍♀️Elevate cybersecurity operations – planned and current – in your business strategy.
🏋️‍♀️Adjust culture accordingly – cybersecurity is each person’s imperative.
👟Help others with this universal shift.

Run your race.
Outrun cybercriminals.

Remember to wear both cybersecurity running shoes – people and technology.


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